Why You Must Have a Formal Employee Development Program

If your organisation is going to grow significantly and keep up with your aspirations, you have to make sure that all your employees are motivated, rewarded and encouraged. After all, these individual staff members are crucial in terms of helping you meet those productivity goals, coming up with new ideas, keeping your customers happy and enhancing your reputation. With so much at stake, you cannot leave this to chance and if you have not done so already, you will need to introduce a formal employee development strategy. What's involved?

Harnessing Enthusiasm

While it is certainly true to say that not all employees are engaged and some of them will simply want to pick up a paycheque, most will nevertheless be motivated by matters other than financial. They will have aspirations and will want to know that your organisation is able to deliver them, while they will also want to know that they are being appreciated in the workplace. Furthermore, your staff members will want to hear all about your plans for expansion and help you to do this, while they will also want to be surrounded by other employees who feel the same way.

Being Proactive

If you are lucky enough to have staff that think this way, you need to take action and ensure that you keep them. Otherwise, they will quickly start to look at other companies and if they find an organisation that is proactive, they will jump ship.

Development Program

In order to ensure that this doesn't happen, come up with an employee development program and make sure that you communicate its benefits. Introduce them to a variety of different training courses that are designed to help them progress in certain areas and that will be provided to them free of charge, as part of their benefits package.

Individual Packages

Make sure that you identify the skills and aspirations of each individual staff member and have a product or course that would be of interest to them. Once you do this, you will automatically increase morale, make your people keen to come to work in the morning and find that you have a higher level of camaraderie as a consequence.

Above and beyond

Remember, you may be under a certain obligation to train your employees to make them aware of best practices or to ensure that they are able to deal with risk in the workplace. This can be a part of your employee development program but it should not be the extent of it, so make sure that you communicate exactly what you're doing at all times.

Next Steps

One of the best ways to achieve your objective is to stage a series of workshops through the course of the year. Get in touch with professional organisations that run these programs and talk with them about your goals.

For more information, contact a service that offers employee development workshops.
